Rettung. Ambulance.
Ambulances with doctors for acute medical emergencies: acute shortness of breath, accidents, chest pain, unconsciousness, open wounds etc.
Ärztefunkdienst. Emergency (telephone) consultation.
For acute, non life-threatening situations, which in your opinion cannot wait until the next working day (not for children under 1 year or trauma/accident patients). They can send a doctor or direct you to an on-call clinic.
Notfallaufnahme. Public hospital emergency rooms (24h).
- 1090, Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien – Ebene 5 – Währinger Gürtel 18-20
- 1160, Klinik Ottakring (Wilhelminenspital) – Flötzersteig 4
- 1220, Klinik Donaustadt (Donauspital) – Langobardenstraße 122
- 1100, Klinik Favoriten (Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital) – Kundratstraße 3
- 1210, Klinik Floridsdorf (Krankenhaus Nord) – Brünner Straße 68
- 1030, Klinik Landstraße (Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung) – Juchgasse 25
- 1020, Krankenhaus der Barmherzigen Brüder Wien – Johannes von Gott-Platz 1
Kinderambulanzen. Paediatric emergency rooms (24h).
- 1090, Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien – Ebene 5 – Währinger Gürtel 18-20
- 1160, Klinik Ottakring (Wilhelminenspital) – Flötzersteig 4
- 1220, Klinik Donaustadt (Donauspital) – Langobardenstraße 122
- 1100, Klinik Favoriten (Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital) – Kundratstraße 3
- 1210, Klinik Floridsdorf (Krankenhaus Nord) – Brünner Straße 68
- 1030, Klinik Landstraße (Krankenanstalt Rudolfstiftung) – Juchgasse 25 (ONLY Mo-Fr 8am-2pm)
- 1090, St.-Anna-Kinderspital – Kinderspitalgasse 6
Kinderordinationen. Paediatric practices.
Certain paediatric practices are on call during weekends, usually from 10am – 3pm. Please see the list of practices under or „Ihr Kind ist krank – Ärztekammer für Wien“ to find them.
Unfallambulanzen. Emergency rooms for accident / trauma / injuries (24h).
- 1200, Unfallkrankenhaus Lorenz Böhler – Donaueschingenstraße 13
- 1120, Trauma Zentrum Meidling – Kundratstraße 37
- 1090, Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien – Währinger Gürtel 18-20
- 1220, Klinik Donaustadt (Donauspital) – Langobardenstraße 122
Tropenmedizinische Notfälle. Tropical medicine emergencies.
If you develop fever after returning from countries where malaria or other tropical diseases are endemic.
- 1090, Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien – Währinger Gürtel 18-20
- 1220, Klinik Donaustadt (Donauspital) – Langobardenstraße 122
- 1100, Klinik Favoriten (Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital) – Kundratstraße 3
Spital / Krankenhaus. Hospitals
If you have private insurance, you can visit any hospital (public or private). Public hospitals treat patients with private insurance and are generally better equipped to deal with emergencies. No appointments are needed for emergencies.
Zahnnotfälle. Dental emergencies.
Please visit or call their emergency hotline for dental emergencies.
+43 1 5122078
Apotheken. Pharmacies.
Visit to find pharmacies close to your location. You can also find all pharmacies, which currently are on night duty. (Search pharmacy / Pharmacies on night duty / pharmacies around you)